Pordomingo on Grass Finishing Genetics – March 2014

Grass Finished Cattle

These are grass finished or grass fat cattle ready to slaughter.

Dr. Pordomingo on Grass Finished Cattle Genetics and More

Dr. Anibal Pordomingo

In this months training with hear from Dr. Anibal Pordomingo on a number of topics but his specialty is in finishing cattle efficiently.  In the training you will learn about what it takes to finish cattle on grass and what a grass finished animal looks like.  You will learn about EPD's and how to use them to your advantage and what is important to you and many other things that Dr. Pordomingo discusses.  This is an extremely information training that you will benefit from.

Dr. Pordomingo has been is an educator and researcher of meat quality and attributes.  At the National Institute of Agricultural Technologies he is the National Coordinator for Animal Production in Argentina. 

I kept teaching schools and researching on meat quality and attributes. At INTA I am the National Coordinator for Animal Production in Argentina. He has been doing research on diets, grazing and confinement feeding as well as look at systems. Dr. Pordomingo is obviously extremely versed in the topics he discusses with us in this training.

Here are some of the questions that Dr. Pordomingo answers in this training.

  • Am I ready to finish cattle on grass?
  • How do you make sure you get the right genetics?
  • What are EPD's and how do you use them?

Dr. Pordomingos Curriculum Vitae​




Grass Finished

This is an excellent example of a grass finished beef.

1 Undergraduate studies:

Agronomy Engineer. School of Agronomy. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. La Pampa, Argentina.

2. Graduate Studies

2.1. Master in Animal Science (Animal Nutrition). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. USA. 1989.

Thesis: "Effects of supplemental whole shelled corn on forage intake, digesta kinetics, ruminal fermentation and forage digestibility in beef steers grazing blue grama rangeland".

2.2. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Animal Science

Major: Ruminant nutrition. Minor: Animal physiology.
Tools: Experimental Statistics, Biochemistry. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. USA. 1990.

Dissertation: "Effects of ionophore rotation programs on intake, digesta kinetics and ruminal fermentation in feedlot cattle fed a 90% concentrate diet."

2.3. Post-doctorate in Animal Science

Area: Beef quality. Universities: Clemson State University, Clemson, South Carolina, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA; and Nebraska State University, Center, NK, USA. (Feb thru June, 2009).

Topics: (1) Implications of chemical, physical and nutracutic characteristics of beef; (2) Effects of biotypes on beef quality in semi-desert environments.

Teaching appointments

1. University

· Associate professor (part time). School of Veterinary Sciences, Universty of La Pampa. Beef production and environment. 2004 - Present.

· Invited professor. University of La Rioja. Graduate program: Desertification prevention and control. Course tought: Beef production in semiarid lands. 2001 - 2004.

· Associate Professor, (Part time) School of Natural resourses and environment. University of La Pampa. Course toguht: Resolution of environmental problems. 2000 - 2002.

· Associate Professor. (Part time) School of Agronomy. University of La Pampa. Course tought: Beef cattle production. 1992 - 2004.

· Adscript professor at New Mexico State University, NM, USA. Beef and cow-calf production courses. From Feb, 2009 - Present.

2. Schools

2001 Estrategias de suplementación y manejo de la alimentación intensiva en invernada. “Supplementation and intensive feeding of finishing cattle” School for professional veterinarians and consultants for “Cambio Rural” groups. Santa Rosa, La Pampa. June.

2003. Caracterización de los sistemas de cría en la región semiáridas. Sus objetivos. “Characterization of cow-calf systems in the semiarid regions. Objetives”. Cow-calf School. Program for continuing education for registered veterinarians. Santa Rosa, La Pampa. May, 30th. July, 25th.

2003. El estado corporal como herramienta de manejo en la cría bovina. “Cow body condition as a management tool in cow-calf”. Cow-calf School. Program for continuing education for registered veterinarians. May, 30th. July, 25th. Santa Rosa, La Pampa.

2003 Alimentación del ternero pos-destete. “Feeding the calf post-weaning” Cow-calf school. Program of continuing education for registered veterinarians. Santa Rosa, La Pampa. July, 25th. July, 25th.

2003 Efectos del destete precoz en los distintos sistemas de cría. “Effects ofearly weaning on different cow-calf systems”. Cow-calf School. Program for continuing education for registered veterinarians. Santa Rosa, La Pampa. July, 25th.

2003. Special grassfed beef stocker-finisher production school. Tulsa, Oklahoma, Stockman Grass Farmer. August. (16 hours).

2004. Special grassfed beef stocker-finisher production school. Sacramento, California. Stockman Grass Farmer. March. (12 hours).

2005. Basics for grassfed beef production. Jackson,Mississippi. Grassfed beef production school. Stockman Grass Farmer. July (16 hours).

2006. Beef production on grass. Organic grass-finished beef. Grassfed beef production school. Stockman Grass Farmer. Denver, Colorado. February (16 hours).

2006 (a) Agricultural systems and implications on meat quality. (b) Basics for pasture beef production and design of forage chains . Manitoba Grazing School: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Brandon University. Manitoba. Canada. November. (6 hours).

2007. Principles and considerations for producing high quality grassfed beef. Forage chains. Grass-fed beef production school. Dallas, Texas, USA. Stockman Grass Farmer. January (12 hours).

Grass Fat Cattle

Another example of a grass finished animal ready for slaughter.

2007. Legumes are needed for high gains. Roles of legumes, green manures and rotations. Sacramento California. Organic grass-fed beef production school. Stockman Grass Farmer. February. (12 hours).

2008. Producing high-quality grassfed beef. Omaha, Nebraska. Grassfed beef production school. Stockman Grass Farmer. February (12 hours).

2008. Introducing pasture finishing in the tropics. Maui. Hawaii. Grassfed beef production school. Stockman Grass Farmer. July (4 hours).

2009. “Why a legume based system is best for high gains. High-gain stocker/finisher school. . April 2, 3 and 4 (12 hours). Dallas, EEUU.

Books and book chapters

Pordomingo, A.J. 1995. Consideraciones económicas sobre la alfalfa. “Economic considerations on alfalfa. Capítulo 12 (Chaper 12). Book "La Alfalfa en Argentina", INTA, pg. 241-256.

Pordomingo, A.J. 1996. El destete precoz en la región semiárida. “Early weaning in the semiarid region”. Book. INTA Anguil y Centro Regional INTA La Pampa – San Luis.

Viglizzo, E.F., A. J. Pordomingo, M. G. Castro and F. A. Lértora. 2002. La sustentabilidad ambiental del agro pampeano. “Environmental sustainability of agriculture in the Argentine pampas”. INTA Ed. 577A-596.

Pordomingo, A.J. 2003. Gestión Ambiental en el Feedlot: Guía de Buenas prácticas. Environmental Management in feedlots: Guide for Best Managment Practices. Ed. INTA. 100 pgs.

Pordomingo, A.J. 2005. Feedlot, diseño y manejo. “Feedlot: Design and Management”. Tech. Pub.: 62. Ed. INTA Anguil. 228 pgs.

Pordomingo, A.J. 2009. Environmental Management in feedlots: Guide for Best Managment Practices. Gestión Ambiental en el Feedlot. Guía de Buenas Prácticas. Pub. Téc. , 2da Edición. Ed. INTA. 100 pgs.


Among my duties, I collaborate in extension and consultancies for producer individuals and groups. We conduct on-farm experiments and short term studies. Numerous producers and CREA groups vist at the station with me, or organize on-farm meetings and workshops on issues such as: a) intensifying animal production, b) diets and managing of confinement feeding, c) design of feedlot facilities, d) design and management programs of grass-fed beef production in mixed systems.

As you can see, Dr. Pordomingo is a very educated man and is an excellent resource for grass fed cattle.  What is not mentioned in this abbreviated CV is that he was raised on a ranch and has ranched all his life and currently owns a grassfed herd which is what the pictures posted here are of.  You will learn a lot of Dr. Pordomingo so be sure to have your pens and pencils out to take notes and let's get started with Dr. Pordomingo right now.

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1 thoughts on “Pordomingo on Grass Finishing Genetics – March 2014

  1. Elma IreneGarza

    Thank you Dr.Pordomingo for your very interesting info on EPD’s and using them as a tool but not totally relying solely on them. I especially thank Joey for all that he does for all of us at the grassfed network, God Bless!!!

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